June 2016 Tarot Blog Hop – Junkmail tarot

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For the June Tarot Blog hop our wrangler, Morgan Drake Eckstein asked us to make DIY tarot cards out of junk mail. What a wonderful, creative and challenging idea! Not to mention that it will finally give a purpose to all that rubbish that’s landing in our mailboxes every day. In the time of the year when people usually do their great clear-out both physically and mentally, it couldn’t be more apt than this.

After many accidentally thrown leaflets I have rescued some, and made the cards before anything else could happen to them! May I proudly present you:

The Five of Pentacles made of a Vote Leave leaflet. You know, Britain will soon vote whether it should remain in the EU or leave? Well, this leave leaflet failed to impress. 😛

The card was so much fun to make though that I’m thinking to do a whole deck! Preferably a borderless one as I just don’t have the patience (and free time) to paspartou them.

The card was of course inspired by RWS decks, but simplified into this universally understood gesture of turning out one’s empty pocket as a sign of poverty.

The Seven of Pentacles, here the 6.99 of Pentacles shows a woman dressed in salad and harvesting apples in the world of junk food. Made of junk-food-mail. 🙂

I really wish I could do more of these, but to my surprise, we really don’t receive as many advertisements as I thought we do – and I ran out of glue. (Thanks to son who thought to collect stones with the glue-stick…)

So, this is it for now, run along and check out the other wonderful creations people have made! Happy solstice and de-cluttering  everyone!

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22 thoughts on “June 2016 Tarot Blog Hop – Junkmail tarot

  1. Great way to recycle and such a good use of the EU Remain/Leave campaign leaflet too, the 6.99 of pentacles is class in a glass, absolutely love it.


  2. Hahaha, this 6.99 discount price is hilarious! 🙂 You have been very creative with these cards, I can just encourage you to create a whole deck! 🙂 Have you seen the Cook Tarot? But yours will be better. 🙂


  3. Seems as if your own personal “Junk Mail Tarot” is in the process of being created….I would definitely buy one! Will the price for the deck be 6.99? 🙂


  4. That 5 of Pentacles is clear and stark – very powerful, though without the element of hope normally found in the stainglass window. And like others, I adored the concept of the 6.99 of Pentacles – like the platform 9 3/4 of Harry Potter fame 😀

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